You should then follow the title with publication information in brackets. Citations of provisions should be abbreviated as follows: Where the reference is the first word in a sentence or footnote, the full word should be used, e.g. Jack Caulfield. (2008) 71 MRL 413 accessed 15 Jan 2014. Journal of International Business Studies. To use a footnote, put a superscript number into your text and then the footnote at the bottom of the page. Subject Guides: Referencing styles - a Practical Guide: OSCOLA Remove Additional Authors, You must enter the title of the article you wish to reference, You must enter the title of the journal you wish to reference, Enter the year the article was published in YYYY format, You must enter the volume of the journal you wish to reference, You must enter the issue number of the journal you wish to reference. OSCOLA referencing guide (Online): Journal Articles - Swansea University A law report includes features such as a headnote summarising the facts of a case and judgement, and lists of cases considered. A single space should be used after full stops and other punctuation marks. OSCOLA Section 4: Journal Articles Updated January 2021 Author's name Title of the article Name of the journal Volume number (if there is one) Year of publication . See below for more details on organising the bibliography. author, | title | [year] | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article,| specific page referred to, author, | title | (year) | volume | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article. A footnote always ends with a full stop: To save space in OSCOLA citations, abbreviations are used for the names of various publications and legal bodies. hb```lKa1.I @9Y +ov {n!`Df @l Xt4` h " G1j LV8*``fcgX+A*E >`l2A CXA*0pJ s 6 If only available on the web, reference as follows: In the bibliography, list in Secondary Sources. An example of a typical case citation with a neutral citation is: Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] UKHL 13, [2008] 1 AC 884. Traditional multispectral detectors usually consist of multiple monochromatic detectors or use filters to achieve specific wavelength detection. Mike Molan, Duncan Bloy and Denis Lanser. This means referring to a source you have not read that you have found within another source that you are using. If the judge is a peer, refer to them as Lord, e.g. Give the full citation the first time you reference it. This means that for subsequent references of a source, you dont have to repeat the full citation. A full, searchable index of these abbreviations can be found here. Graham Greenleaf, The Global Development of Free Access to Legal Information (2010) 1(1) EJLT accessed 27 July 2010. 1) and appears after any punctuation like a comma or full stop: These footnotes contain full information on the source cited. The standard requires providing the authors' names in full in references and in the reverse form with initials in footnotes. When referring to a previous citation a number of footnotes back, use the short version of the case and add n as an abbreviation signposting the number of the footnote. For example: Christian von Bar, The Common European Law of Torts, vol 2 (CH Beck 2000), para 76. Statutory instruments (SIs) are numbered consecutively throughout the year; its this number that appears at the end of the citation the example below is the 149th SI of 2020. A longer dash is used to separate a sentence from a side remark (e.g. The Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) is a referencing style used by students and academics in law. For a comprehensive list of legal abbreviations, use the Cardiff index. If a case is reported in the Law Reports you should cite it in preference to any other report. You should show the reader that you have used a range of sources in your work, which they could then find themselves. Analysis pieces and Case/Legislative comments only go to an external peer reviewer if internal Edinburgh Law School faculty and/or PhD candidates lack the expertise to provide an adequate review. OSCOLA referencing places citations in footnotes, which are marked in the text with footnote numbers: The judge referred to the precedent established by Caulfield v Baldwin.1. Your email address will not be published. 666 0 obj <>stream . The example above shows that this is a case involving Corr and IBC Vehicles Ltd. Where available, include the DOI and the URL of the original publication, including available at. CraigP,'Theory, "Pure Theory" and Values in Public Law' [2005] PL 440, YoungAL,'In Defense of Due Deference' (2009) 72 MLR 554. If citing an online encyclopedia, give the URL and date of access: See OSCOLA 4th edn 3.2.6 for more details. [Online]. PCMLP University of Oxford, An introduction to Legal Citation Using OSCOLA accessed 04 November 2015,, A House of Lords judge should be referred to as, A Supreme Court judge should be referred to as, The Lord Chief Justice can be abbreviated to. After the title, give the publication information in the following order: 28 February 2020 You should use Re the Domestic Abuse Act 2017 rather than In the matter of the Domestic Abuse act 2017. The bibliography is the same format as the footnote except thatthe author is now listed surname firstfollowed by their initials, page numbers are not included and there is no full stop at the end of the reference. From 2001, case numbers were used instead of page numbers. If there is no title, use the name of the case in italics instead, and put note at the end of the citation. Include the edition and year. Jane Croft, Supreme Court Warns on Quality Financial Times (London, 1 July 2010) 3. Edward Dove, Jiahong Chen, and Laurence Diver). A Journal of Law, Technology & Society from Revised manuscript submissions received by the Managing Editor may be returned to Referees or may be assessed solely by the Managing Editor (having reference to the review and recommendations by the Referees). Recap: Example for Journal Articles. Additionally, note that the year (for the report) is displayed differently depending on whether it is essential to the citation. OSCOLA is a footnote referencing style. *You can also browse our support articles here >. For more detailed information, see OSCOLA Appendix 4.2. When referring to the first two series, cite the House abbreviation (HL or HC), followed by Deb, then the full date, the volume and the column. 1. Ibid., p. 25). Alison L Young, 'In Defence of Due Deference' (2009) 72 MLR 554. Title | HC Bill | (session) | [number] OR title | HL Bill | (session) | number. Seeing as the content of working papers are subject to change, make sure you put the date of access. With online journals that have been published electronically, give publication details the same way you would for hard copy journal articles. ABC, para. Finally, the first and last page of the article should be cited, including pp.. In text:refer to the text giving case names in italics eg: InPhipps v Boardman31.. For most sources in OSCOLA, the bibliographic format is the same as the footnote. In the bibliography list all of the authors. In this first example the pinpoints are at the end to paragraphs 42 and 45 of the case: In this example for a secondary source the page number 131 is given at the end: For more detailed information, see OSCOLA 2.1.6 and OSCOLA 4.2.5. Tonking S,Jury Trial (BBC Radio 4, 1 May 2010) accessed 15 February 2013. If referring to comments by someone in particular, add that information as you would a pinpoint, before the url. Round brackets ( ) are used when the year is not necessary to identify the relevant volume of the journal (e.g. You should give the name of the case in full when you first mention it in the text or footnotes. If no individual author is identified, but an organisation or institution claims editorial responsibility for the work, then cite it as the author. 1. Where cases concern only individuals, leave out forenames and initials. When referencing a specific article in a collected work please provide the author(s) name and chapter title (with all primary words capitalised), in double quotation marks ( ). Authors are responsible for ensuring that necessary amendments are carried out in light of Referee recommendations. . When you dont need to use the year to identify the law report volume, give the year of judgement (not publication) in round brackets. Pinpointing is not used in the bibliography. X argues that Y.1 NOT X argues that Y1.). This will be the case for virtually all articles found in Westlaw, Lexis and Hein Online. Remove Additional Authors, Add a 5th Author Each primary word should begin with a capital letter (e.g. For example, Johnston v Ireland (1986) Series A no 122. If neither of these is the case, use J for judge, e.g. Taylor & Francis Standard Reference Style: OSCOLA The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities is designed to facilitate accurate citation of authorities, legislation, and other legal materials. zR=S7nm9LjQtl3osesk'$CY'o/.Tk1wl^+WO]d6zAv#%uS59?\+M=ow3NI1jHNuG*E. x$G'Fe#{gEq&**p[wSRgG=ar\. Follow this with the title of the website and the date of publication in brackets, if available. Otherwise, follow the rules for Books. For example: Use an indented paragraph, no quotation marks and a line space above and below. If you are yourself the author or recipient of the communication, say from author or to author as appropriate. Caulfield, J. If the source has more than three authors, include the first author followed by ' et al. A hyphen - should be used as a word separator (e.g. It is recommended that no more than three levels of heading be used, as follows (numbering and font sizes are automatically set by our template): SCRIPTed uses UK, not American spelling (e.g. Paul Craig, Theory, Pure Theory and Values in Public Law [2005] PL 440. El Gharras, H. 2009. Paragraph numbers appear in square brackets and can be used for pinpointing in the same way as page numbers: Note that if youre pinpointing a judges comments within a case report, you include the name of the judge, and some special terms and abbreviations are used in the citation and in the text. This rule applies for all conjunctions (including IP, IT, ICT, etc). Enol online now or call +44 1865 954800 to book your place. If the subsequent citation is directly after the full citation, simply use the term ibid. There is no need to cite an electronic source for such a publication. For judgements of the European Court of Human Rights, you should cite either the offical reports, the Reports of Judgements and Decisions (ECHR) or the European Human Rights Reports (EHRR). OSCOLA referencing guide (Online): Repeating Citations - Swansea University It is widely used in law schools and by journal and book publishers in the UK and beyond. Simply reference the relevant source as you would a paper copy. 3.4.1) suggest the following form for citing podcasts, YouTube videos and similar sources: Author, Title (publication date) accessed xx month 2014. INDIAN LAW INSTITUTE: 1. The targeted compounds are widely studied nanotubes attaining exquisite nanostructures due to their distinguishable properties attaining numeric values. ); and (5) success of synthesis between areas for those submissions purporting to be interdisciplinary. More than 3 authors For sources with multiple authors. For subsequent citation of secondary sources, you only need the authors surname. There are also a number of other specific rules. Laurie,Genetic Privacy,supra n. 24, p. 3 or Laurie and Dove, Consent and Anonymisation,supran. 25, pp. OSCOLA abbreviates a wide range of legal sources and institutions. Case/Legislation Comments and Conference Reportsshould not normally exceed 3,000 words. Online harms and Carolines Law whats the direction for the law reform? Including quotations We will not accept submissions under consideration at other journals. Published on University of California, Berkeley (ages 15-18), the name of the journal, in full or abbreviated form, with no full stops. Use the following format to cite cases. In England and Wales, there are no official law reports of any kind, but the Law Report series by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting are considered the most authoritative. Do not use other terms such as supra, op cit, loc cit. Acronyms and short titles should only be used after the full title has appeared once in the text (e.g. No further changes will be allowed to the text absent compelling justification. Internet may be capitalised, or not, at the authors discretion. 44(12), pp.2512-2518. Reference either an on-line or printed Journal Article, Select a different Source Type See examples, Enter the Surname and Initials for each Author of the Journal, You must enter at least one Author including their first initial, Add a 3rd Author When citing an interview you conducted yourself, give the name, position and institution (as relevant) of the interviewee, and the location and full date of the interview. If you cant find a judgement in one of these general series you should refer to a specialist series of law reports such as the Family Law Reports. Secondary sources explain, analyse, critique and discuss the law. You can search by abbreviation to find the title, or by title to find the abbreviation. You should refer to the year the Act was passed rather than the year it came into force. If no individual author is identified, but an organisation or institution claims editorial responsibility for the work, then cite it as the author. Usually, the bibliography is divided into three sections: Cases, Legislation and Secondary Sources Cases - List the cases alphabetically in order of the first significant word. Journal Article. Williams LJ. If the book has up to three authors, include and in between each author. Simon Tonking, Jury Trial (BBC Radio 4, 1 May 2010) accessed 15 February 2013. Case name in italics [year] court number, [year] OR (year) volume report abbreviation first page. Article to art.; articles to arts., Paragraph to para.; paragraphs to paras., Schedule to sch.; schedules to schs., Regulation to reg.; regulations to regs., Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter GDPR), Mireille Hildebrandt, Law as an Affordance: The Devil is in the Vanishing Point(s) (2017) 4(1), Langdon Winner, Do Artifacts Have Politics?(1980). For more detailed information see OSCOLA 1.2. For specific references, include a comma, followed by the chapter or page number, including ch. and/or p.. See the example in the Subsequent citation of a case box below. When referring to a judge within a case, use the judges surname followed by the correct abbreviation. SCRIPTed publishes Articles, Analysis Pieces, Case/Legislation Comments, Book Reviews, and Conference Reports. For example: Another alternative, particularly if the podcast is quite long, would be to provide the minutes and seconds of the excerpt: Author, 'Title' (additional information, publisher year), Footnote: Lets look at the OSCOLA system in detail, and how you can cite a wide range of legal sources. For more detailed information, see OSCOLA 1.5. Author (s) Enter the Surname and Initials for each Author of the Journal Author Surname * Author Firstname OR Initial (s) * A bibliography lists all your secondary sources that is, everything other than cases and legislation. not a result of a search in a database). H4;@ $7 In general only include the web address when the document is only available online, when the web address ia especiallyhelpful for finding the document and when the web address is static (eg. You must enter the date that you accessed the article. Scribbr. 26 Knowles (n 3) 120.. See 3.2.2 OSCOLA 4th edn for more details. If a footnote references more than one work by the same author or authors, or refers to a prior footnote containing more than one work, please cite the surname(s) of the author(s), a shortened title of the work being cited, and the footnote where it first appears, e.g. 6. OSCOLA: Footnotes - LibGuides at University of West London Books - OSCOLA - LibGuides at Coventry University A Dual-Band Graphene/Silicon Nanowires Array Heterojunctions To create a footnote in Microsoft Word, click your mouse on the place you 'Serving Magistrates by HMCTS Region, England and Wales, 31 March 2013, Diversity statistics and general overview 2013: (The Judicial Office 2013). If youre citing a case before 1865, it doesnt require the court. For subsequent citation of legislation, abbreviations are acceptable. Dual-band photodetectors (DBPDs) have played an essential role in multispectral information monitoring, including civil and military areas. More than 3 authors For sources with multiple authors. When citing more than one paragraph, place the numbers in square brackets. Articles, Analysis Pieces, and Case/Legislation Comments. Each source only needs to be listed once, even if you have referred to it multiple times. To indicate that words have been omitted from a quote, please use ellipses () without any spaces around them,e.g. followed by their initials, page numbers are not included and there is no full stop at the end of the reference. You must insert an 'and' before the last author's name, European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) cases. The letter L refers to the legislation series. For shorter essays, this is usually not necessary, but do check your institutions guidelines. You do not need to use the Honourable. endstream endobj 406 0 obj <>/Metadata 53 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[418 0 R]>>/Outlines 60 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 400 0 R/StructTreeRoot 99 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 407 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 408 0 obj <>stream JAG Griffith, The Common Law and the Political Constitution (2001) 117 LQR 42, 64. Do notuse italics for text in the footnote unless it is a Latin abbreviation or a reference to a case or book requiring italics (e.g. Bill title HC Bill (Session) [Bill number]. R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame, [1991] ECR I-3905 (ECJ). For example. Example: Samuel Topping and others, Analysing Law (Routledge, London 2008). A citation footnote appears whenever you quote from, paraphrase or otherwise refer to the content of a source in your text. Page references should use the abbreviations p. or pp., adopting the following style: Supran. 24, p. 3. Oscola Journal Article Reference Generator - The Uni Tutor Use the full name of the author(s) as written in the source. for more details. For example: You do not need to footnote an Act if you make it identifiable in the text. concept X, not concept X). An OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) citation for a journal article includes the author name (s), publication year, article title, journal name, volume and issue number, page range of the article, and a DOI (if available). In it, you assign each citation a footnote that duplicates the reference at the end of the paper almost precisely, with some exceptions such as using a specific page number. When you cite EU treaties and protocols, give the title of the legislation, followed by the year of publication, the OK series and the issue and page numbers. Pinpoints follow the citation and come before the web address. Use ( )if the date of publication is NOT needed to find the article eg. author, | title | [year] OR (year) | volume/issue | journal name or abbreviation | | date accessed. PDF Taylor & Francis Standard Reference Style: OSCOLA Version 1 This is the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities. The examples below include a suggestion for citing the comments of a particular person. An example of a footnote for an online article: James Gobert, 'The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007: Thirteen Years in the Making but was it Worth the Wait?' For example: List under Secondary Sources in alphabetical order. Follow this by the phrase available at, followed by the URL, which should be hyperlinked. When citing an unpublished thesis, give the author, the title and then in brackets the type of thesis, university and year of completion. URLs should not be italicised, put within or within (parentheses). To ensure that only submissions of the highest quality are published, the journal employs the following referee system: All submissions are first considered by the Managing Editor to determine if they are suitable. for more details. In the Young example, 72 is the volume number. Do not use punctuation when using an abbreviation. Referencing is an essential part of academic writing. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - LawTeacher is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. A law report is a published report on a judgement. Communications (Isle of Man) Order 2020, SI 2020/149. For more detailed information see OSCOLA 2.1.7. Based on Referee Reports and his or her own assessment, the Managing Editor will make a recommendation on disposition to the Editorial Board, which has final responsibility for each decision on each submission. hbbd```b`` iX$&``j0L.GI Hc~ 6j / A downloadable version of this OSCOLA style guide, with some extra details, Details for citing international law sources. If available online, include the URL and date of access. Do not use conjunctions (e.g. If the relevant law report series was also issued in more than one volume in that particular year, give it a volume number. See3.2.3 OSCOLA 4th edn for more details. There are three series of Hansard, one reporting debates on the floor of the House of Commons, one debates in the House of Lords, and one debates in the Public Bill committees of the House of Commons, which replaced standing committees in 2007. (Oxford: OUP, 2018)). If you are referring to a particular Act a number of times in the same place, you can provide an abbreviated form of the title in the footnotes, as long as you let your reader know in advance. Books - OSCOLA - LibGuides at Coventry University How to reference books One author Multiple authors Chapter in an edited book Books Author, Title of the Book (Edition, Publisher Year) Footnote Example 1 Steve Foster, How to Write Better Law Essays (4th edn, Pearson 2016). For example, here you would list Hansard, any books and journal articles cited, and other sources such as blogs, social media and newspapers. For further references to the case, use a short form of the case name and a cross-citation in brackets to the original footnote. for more details. Where there are multiple parties in cases, you should name only the first claimant and the first defendant. If you do not know the page numbers then leave this blank and [no pagination] will be entered. Footnote: Usesingle quotation marksand include within the text. When referencing a source that is online other than a journal or book, cite the name of the author (or institution), followed by the title of the webpage. SCRIPTed uses the Oxford comma, e.g. Legal sources such as cases and statues may be cited, along with secondary sources, for example, books and journals. Author,Title(edition,Publisher | year) page number. Required fields are marked *. Dimas S, EU Environment Commissioner, 'Improving Environmental Quality through Carbon Trading' (Speech at the Carbon Expo Conference, Kln, 2 May 2007) accessed 29 May 2011. Normann Witzleb and others No author See 3.3.4 OSCOLA 4th edn for more details. If the case is not yet reported it should be cited with a reference to the relevant notice in the Official Journal: EC Commission v Ireland, Case C-134/89, [1989] OJ L145/1. However if the articleis only available online, use the same format as for print journals but at the end of the citation add the web address within < > marks and the date you most recently accessed the article. Retrieved 27 February 2023, A footnote is marked in the text with a footnote number, which appears at the end of the relevant sentence or clause. Mike Molan, Duncan Bloy and Denis Lanser If there are more than three authors, cite the first author followed by 'and others'. Footnotes: If there are several works by the same author, use the surname and the title of the work (or a short form of the title). Authors will be sent anonymised copies of Referee comments. Thereference is then given in the footnoteat the bottom of the page. OSCOLA Journal Article Reference Generator Create an OSCOLA Journal Article Reference Reference either an on-line or printed Journal Article Select a different Source Type See examples Share this: * Required Fields 1. %%EOF OSCOLA Journal Article Reference Generator - Example: Samuel Topping and others, Analysing Law (Routledge, London 2008). In the Bibliographythe surname is provided first, followed by the initial of the first name: If there are up to three authors, cite all the authors: Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3. e.g. author, | 'Title' | date | volume number | journal title | 1st page of article | pinpoint (if needed) Paul Craig, 'Theory, "Pure Theory" and Values in Public Law' [2005] PL 440. OSCOLA Referencing Guide. Remove additional data for ONLINE sources, Enter the date you accessed the journal in dd Month YYYY format. List legislation, cases and secondary sources in separate sections of your bibliography in alphabetical order. Morten Hviid, Sofia Izquierdo-Sanchez, and Sabine Jacques, Computers as Inventors Legal and Policy Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Patent Law,, Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA),,, Timed influence: The future of Modern (Family) life and the law, Predicting Innovation: Why Facebook/WhatsApp Merger Flunked, Georgia vs. The Morning After. Cases are written in a similar format here and in the main text; the only difference is the names of the parties involved are not italicised in the table of cases: The table of legislation includes all legal sources used other than cases for example, bills, Acts of Parliament and SIs. Where there is no title, use the name of the case in italics instead, and add (note) at the end of the citation: See3.3.2 OSCOLA 4th ed. If you source an article online which is also available in hard copy, cite the hard copy version. If submissions are made in a language other than English, the Title and Abstract (not exceeding 250 words) must also be submitted in English. The Lord Chancellor (now no longer a judge) should be abbreviated as Lord Brown LC, the Lord Chief Justice as Lord Brown CJ, and the Master of the Rolls as 20 Lord Brown MR. Follow the citation with the web address (in angled brackets) and the date you most recently accessed the article. When a Bill is reprinted at any stage it is given a new running number. If you wish to refer to someone speaking during the programme, follow this format: Cite the name of the speaker (if a direct quote), the title of the programme, the radio station and the date of the programme. If you do shorten names this way, you should always choose the name which comes first in the full name of the case in this case Glebe Motors, rather than Dixon-Greene. 1 1. If the newspaper is divided into sections, and the page numbering begins afresh in each section, put the section name in roman before the page number, with a space but no comma between the two. OSCOLA (Law) - Referencing - LibGuides at University of - Strath JAG Griffith, The Common Law and the Political Constitution (2001) 117 LQR 42, 64, 2. OSCOLA referencing, sometimes referred to as Oxford referencing, is a style of referencing primarily used in UK academic content related to the law. OSCOLA referencing guide (Online): Journal Articles Journals articles Print articles Online articles To cite a print journal use the following format: Author, 'title' [year] journal name or abbreviation first page of article [OR] Author, 'title' (year) volume journal name or abbreviation first page of article Youve extracted the key research, peppered your content with incisive observations, and youve just typed the last words of your Law essay conclusion. When citing courts, indicate the court in brackets after the first page of the report, and before the pinpoint if there is one.
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